Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I just LOVE Lyla! She comes to see me every 3 months :-) I think she is just the greatest thing ever! I'm also good friends with her mom Kerry...so I'm sure that is why ;-) These are her six month pictures. Isn't she just the cutest thing!!!


How pretty is this little boy? I'm sure when he is 12...he will not want to be pretty :-) But for now...he is so pretty!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Taylor & Kyle

So today might be the day I post about 10 different sessions. :-) As I finish I will post. :-)

This is Taylor and Kyle! I just LOVE them! They are the greatest couple. Their wedding was at The Villa in Tyler and it was Beauiful! WOW! We had a blast too...I can't wait till they get back from their honeymoon...I need my hair done bad ;-)

Thanks guys!

We had a blast!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hi Everyone!

I will be posting more pictures soon. We are getting really busy and having lots of fun taking new pictures to post on here. I wanted to blog really quick though about weddings. We have been getting alot of inquiries for weddings for the 2009 wedding season. I just wanted to let everyone know that we work on a first come, first serve basis. So if you called about a wedding on Monday and we weren't booked and you called back on Friday and we were that pretty much tells you how fast weddings book. I just wanted to let everyone know that...so the sooner you book...the better! I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Summer...and soon to be a good start of school! If you are a Senior 2009 it is NOT too early to come in and get your pictures done! We love Seniors that come in early...we have already had a couple...so come visit! We have great deals. I will be posting a new special on our Senior Website soon!

-PeAcE & LoVe-