Thursday, January 29, 2009

April & Brooke

We thought this was so funny :] So we had to do it!It's funny how when you see a picture without you camera...but you know it's gonna be a good picture. April was actually taking a picture of me, and I looked up and said "Don't Move!" (We had been joking about I'm sure she thought I was crazy), but I saw this and I LOVE this picture! P.S. She did all the editing on these :]How beautiful is she :] I love this girl!I didn't get a chance to post these, but I wanted to :] My friend April and I went out and did a photo session together....and here are the results...well I will just post pictures I took of April, but the ones on my blog header...she did those :] Awesome job!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Family Christmas

I never blog about personal stuff...I don't know why but I never seem I thought for this year I am going to. I love to blog and my goal this year is to take more pictures of family. Sometimes when I get off work I forget about my camera! (which sounds crazy, but I do) this year I'm going to blog more about my family :] This first picture is cousin Sallee's little boy and the feet are Kody's (my husband) and Jon's (Sallee's husband)
This is my Nanny, my cousin Abby, & my Mom...Abby was checking out what she got for Christmas..from me :] and it was a cross pendent...super cool.

This is my Aunt Connie & Abby...we had fajitas for Christmas!

Kody and Jon were helping Hunter with his puzzle...and that's my Uncle Frank in the background.Abby and Tad's sweet lil PooterAunt Connie getting ready for Christmas pics...which I will post later.
Ok...I'll explain this pic. Sallee' & I have this bad obsession with Twilight...the books by Stephenie Meyer (if you haven't read them...DO IT!) So, I'm always talking about Edward...and my husband thinks it's just so funny to make this face that he calls his "Vampire Face"...well if you have read the books you know that Vampires are beautiful...and well that is not a good picture of my husband...or my DAD! Gotta love em though!

Sallee' & Aunt Connie getting ready.

Miss Ella

How cute is Miss Ella! I loved her cowgirl boots and that cute little dress! Her Mom even made it! She is such a doll! Thanks Ella!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I am sooooo behind on things around here! I've been trying to get ready for the new year and in the process I have made myself very behind! So sorry this has taken me so long. I feel like things are actually going the way they should be...or at least on the way. This is Devon...she is a Senior :] Such a doll!

Tristan cute is this kid? I photographed Tristan when he was about 1 month? Maybe not even that old...and I did his parents maternity pictures :] I can't believe he is a year old! And check out the new blog stamp...This year is gonna be good :]

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I've decided to join in on the Twitter craze...and I have no idea why! Either way...go find me since I can't figure out how to add it anywhere :]

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year to everyone!

2009 brings changes around here and I couldn't be more excited and nervous about this new year.

First things first...New Logo AND New Website...I will be working on all of this next design and all :]

I'm very excited so keep checking things out!

Thanks to everyone who we photographed during Christmas and through out last year. We have made alot of changes and this last year was such a year for learning! I hope that we continue to see all of you this next year.

Happy 2009 to everyone...I hope this year brings everyone lots of LOVE!

LoVE, PeaCE & PicTuREs
Brooke :]