I never blog about personal stuff...I don't know why but I never seem too...so I thought for this year I am going to. I love to blog and my goal this year is to take more pictures of family. Sometimes when I get off work I forget about my camera! (which sounds crazy, but I do)...so this year I'm going to blog more about my family :] This first picture is Hunter...my cousin Sallee's little boy and the feet are Kody's (my husband) and Jon's (Sallee's husband)

This is my Nanny, my cousin Abby, & my Mom...Abby was checking out what she got for Christmas..from me :] and it was a cross pendent...super cool.

This is my Aunt Connie & Abby...we had fajitas for Christmas!

Kody and Jon were helping Hunter with his puzzle...and that's my Uncle Frank in the background.

Abby and Tad's sweet lil Pooter

Aunt Connie getting ready for Christmas pics...which I will post later.

Ok...I'll explain this pic. Sallee' & I have this bad obsession with Twilight...the books by Stephenie Meyer (if you haven't read them...DO IT!) So, I'm always talking about Edward...and my husband thinks it's just so funny to make this face that he calls his "Vampire Face"...well if you have read the books you know that Vampires are beautiful...and well that is not a good picture of my husband...or my DAD! Gotta love em though!

Sallee' & Aunt Connie getting ready.
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