Monday, March 9, 2009

Hypes & Gripes (Did I spell that right?)

Ok. So kisses and disses has changed names, thanks to my wonderful cousin Katy. It is now Hypes and Gripes. I thought that was the best name. Anyways...on with the show...

*I dropped my taxes off! That is the best hype of them all! That means that Sheila is working her magic :]
*I booked alot of appts. and business is getting really busy!
*I have been staying on track with orders and proud Mom!
*We are in the process of revamping the studio. I love my studio, and when people come in they go crazy over it, but I see it everyday...and I like change! So a little revamp never hurt anyone!

*This is gonna be one gripe about this week is that I have been sick. I started feeling bad on Thursday...and I STILL do not feel that much better! Let's hope that things get better around here FAST! :]

I know that was short and sweet...but my memory has not been much lately...because I have been sitting in front of the TV and sleeping! Being sick in NO fun yall!! I can't wait to feel better!

I hope everyone has a blessed week!

PeaCE, loVE, & pictuRES!

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